If you haven't been before, it can feel like a big step going to a church. We know how intimidating it can be to walk into an unfamiliar place. If you wish, we can arrange in advance of your visit for a friendly face to meet you at the entrance so you don’t have to walk in alone. Simply let us know what day and time you expect to arrive.
We have plenty of parking right outside the building. There are spaces reserved near the entrance for any with mobility problems.
If you are bringing children, please keep a close eye on them and do not allow them to run in the car park, for their own safety and everyone else’s.
If you’re not quite sure what to expect, or feel a little nervous about visiting us, why not have a browse of our FAQ. Here you’ll find answers to many common questions. If you still have questions or concerns, please contact us, we’d love to chat!
What can I expect from a typical Sunday Service?
Our services start at 10.30am on Sunday mornings and the first thing you can expect is a warm welcome at the door. We may vary the service but usually we will begin with some songs and hymns of worship followed by prayer and discussion of any important matters in the life of the church family. A Bible reading is given, after which we listen as it is explained in such a way that we can understand what the Bible says, and apply it to our daily lives.
Coffee and tea is usually served after the service, which provides a great opportunity to catch up with friends and make new ones.
I have kids – is there anything for them?
Children are very welcome to join us! At the moment we're not able to provide our usual GraceKids groups. However, there are often colouring pages available, and we don't mind at all if children make a little noise during the service! There is also a creche room where babies and very small children can go with a parent.
We adhere to the Grace Community Church Child Protection Policy and would be happy to provide you with a copy, should you wish. In addition all of our leaders and helpers have been DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) checked.
Does your church christen babies?
We encourage new members to be baptised when they are ready, but for children, we believe this is best left until they are old enough to decide to make the decision for themselves, so we do not baptise babies or perform Christenings at our church. However, we do hold a service of dedication for babies and their parents as part of one of our normal Sunday Services. You can find out more about these dedications by speaking with our Pastor or an Elder (see this page).
I have a disability
We aim to be as accommodating as possible for those with special needs. Dedicated parking suitable for the disabled is immediately adjacent to the main building with level access direct from the car park. The hall where services takes place is reached by a foyer from the main double entrance doors, again with level access. We have an induction loop and words for songs are projected in bold, easy-to-read fonts.
What should I wear?
Please feel free to wear whatever is most comfortable for you. Most people choose to wear smart casual as the atmosphere is informal.
Will I be expected to make a donation?
At GCC we take an offering during the service as part of our worship. However, we do not expect our guests to make any contribution so when the offering bag gets passed along your row, please simply pass it on. The money offering is an act of worship and is therefore another way for Christians to show their love for Jesus by supporting the work of His church. No one is going to judge you if you do no not put anything in. You may of course contribute if you wish.
When does your church celebrate communion?
We celebrate communion as part of a service on every first Sunday of the month. All those who are trusting in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins and who are walking according to the ways of the Lord are invited to take the bread and grape juice which represent the body of and blood of our Lord and Saviour.
What denomination are you?
We are not a part of any established denomination, and our church is made up of people with a wide range of denominational backgrounds, including those with none at all. However, Grace Community Church is a member of the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches (FIEC), which is a body that represents nearly 500 Churches in the UK. You can find out more about the FIEC here.
What do you believe?
This is an important question! You can read about our core beliefs here.
I live locally – can I have a pastoral visit?
A member of our Pastoral Team would be more than happy to meet with you. Simply use the contact form here on the website to get in touch with us about your request.
I have a question not on this list
We would be happy to discuss with you any further questions you may have about the church or the Christian faith either by email or in person. You can use our online contact form.